Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Lazy Ride - What Do You Think?

Hello Friends,

I saw this while driving around town the other day. I was laughing so hard when I saw this and knew I wanted to share with you my, friends.

Nothing like a lazy ride down the road!
Looks like the cat is quite at ease laying on the front of the motorcycle.
What do you think?

Hope this picture brings a chuckle. Have a great day.


Monday, August 15, 2016

From the Creator's Hand

Hi Friends,

I hope you had a good weekend.

Our Sunday morning started out energizing and invigorating by walking the dogs and seeing this beautiful site:

God's way of saying, "Good morning".

Take a look at my bold and stunning memory wire, wrap around bracelet and earrings:

You can see full details at Save 10% now with coupon - mademyday10.

Have a great day,

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Stimulating - Energizing - Fashion Styles

Hi Friends,

I was reading some stimulating fashion articles on the Internet and was energized by the following three items:

The blazer is in again as a wardrobe staple. Do you own a blazer? Stop reading and go shopping NOW and purchase one! The double breasted blazer is a more advanced version of the standard single buttoned one. Do you want a 4.0 look - then go and get that double breasted blazer. A girl can always use a blazer.

Are you still carrying around that large, tattered canvas tote or a faux leather bag? No more - if  you want a - I Got This Look! Get charged up and splurge on yourself for a real leather bag with a cross body strap in a pop of color.

Don't want that rocker or groupie look? Then pair this energizing leather bomber jacket with a knee length dress and high boots, silk pants with low heels, a maxi skirt with ankle boots  or with a scarf wrapped around your neck. It is all in how you style it! Go for the clean lines look not the vintage look.

Here are a few of my artisan jewelry creations that would go great with your new stimulating fashion styles. They can all be viewed at for further details.

I hope you enjoyed this posting.


Friday, August 5, 2016

Really - Recipe for Toast?

Hi Friends,

I found this recipe on the Internet and thought you would have a good time reading it. Of course, I shortened the article to just include the recipe, along with a picture of The Perfect Toast.

According to the article, we love our toast. For breakfast, reseachers say 71% of us that eat bread like it warm and toasted. So if that many of us are going to eat toast, we need to make it Perfect!

In fact, a research food team spent a whole week toasting and tasting slices of bread. The team came up with this recipe for The Perfect Toast:

*Start with pale, seeded bread that has been refrigerated at a temperature of 37.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

*Get a ruler to measure the thickness of your bread that should be 14mm or 0.551181 inches.

*You need to have a stopwatch so you can toast your bread for 216 seconds. Your toast will be golden-brown with a balanced external crunch and an internal softness.

*When you remove The Perfect Toast, add your butter right away. Got a scale? The best amount of butter is 0.44 grams per square inch. Get that ruler again! Measure that the butter is 1/17 inch of thickness of the bread. Got this done? PERFECT!!

*Stop reading! Hurry up and get your toast cut on the diagonal. Not sure why except that the research team recipe said so.

*Serve your toast on a plate that is warmed to 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure it is not any hotter or toast will continue to cook and ruin The Perfect

* Enjoy your PERFECT TOAST!!

I hope you enjoyed this article.



Monday, August 1, 2016

Make Your Escape With Me

Good Morning Friends,

I am having a hard time watching the news lately and my "liking" on social media has been more of  pulling the covers over my head action. Lately, I've been finding some peace and joy by escaping to watch my favorite HGTV shows: such as "Flip or Flop"; "Flea Market Flip"; and "Property Brothers." One or all of them are on everyday as I work on my jewelry blings or do housework. These shows help me to escape into my dream world.

Of course my favorite way of escape is going into my jewelry creation world. There are times when I just want to loose myself into the fun and creative world in my jewelry work area where I hear the sounds of other creations being made in the background on the television.

What other happiness is there than doing what you love to do? Come and make your escape with me by looking at my latest jewelry bling:

I hope you enjoyed my latest new creations from The Beaded Pathway. Click and save with coupon - BLOG2016 - for 10% off at

Have a great day,
