Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Raindrop Cake or Not?

Hi Friends,

So excited, my Brass Chandelier jewelry creation was featured in the Jewelry Making Journal. Click here to see http://jewelrymakingjournal.com/brass-chandelier-turquoise-crystals-necklace/ .

Yesterday, I rode with my husband to the park to meet with Kevin and get information on the Senior Softball League. While my husband talked with the men and watched a few innings of a game, I was bored and decided to read some blogs on Bloglovin'. I follow craftsy.com blog and found this recipe for the famous Raindrop Cake, which is not a cake!?

Raindrop cake but not? It is derived from a Japanese dessert called mizu shingen mocha with the main ingredient being: Agar, which is a gelling agent made from seaweed. It is vegan, zero calories, fat free, zero carbs and fiber a plenty.

Raindrop cakes look and feel like jello just not as firm but delicate. The taste is like sweetened water and smooshes into water once but in your mouth.

To make:
  • use a silicone mold or small shallow bowls to form the semi-circle raindrop shape, preferably, or any other desired shape
  • always dissolve agar completely before adding sugar
  • 2 cups spring water
  • 1/2 teaspoon agar powder or flakes
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
-Boil water; add agar; remove from heat; stir until agar is dissolved.
-Add sugar; stir until dissolved.
-Liquid should be completely clear.
-Pour mixture into molds.
-Let sit for 15 minutes at room temperature before adding mix-ins: such as sprinkles, chopped fruit like strawberry or mango, mint, or use your combination of fruits or sprinkles.
-Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my blog. If you enjoyed what you read, I would love having you as a follower so add your e-mail address in the box on the top at the right.

Have a great day,


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