Friday, March 18, 2016

Trip to Hawaii - #2

Friday, March 18, 2016

Looking down at the woman sitting on the floor, the gentleman tapped Marisa on her shoulder. She opened her eyes, stumbled trying to get up and asked the gentleman if he could help her to get her keycard to open the door to her room. Marisa took a second look at the handsome gentleman standing in front of her, "Oh I'm sorry, my name is Marisa and I am having trouble getting into my room."

The handsome, smiling gentleman extended his hand, "Hello, my name is Oliver. Let me see if I can help you with your keycard." He looks at the number on the keycard to see if it matches the room number, "Marisa, if this is your keycard then your room is on the twelfth floor, not the thirteenth."

Marisa takes the keycard, looks at the number on it, then turns around and sees that the numbers does not match. She looks up at Oliver, "Well this is embarrassing. Thank you for your help, Oliver. I guess I was overly tired and got off on the wrong floor. I'll be going, maybe we will see each other again."

Taking Marisa by the arm, Oliver says, "Let me help you to your room, just to be sure your keycard works for you."

Once they get to Marisa's room, she opens the door and an alarm goes off.

With her heart beating rapidly, Marisa sits up, opens her eyes and realizes it was all a dream!

My jewelry is within in your reach
On Etsy at TheBeadedPathway
Hoping to reach
Your doorway.

Have an awesome day,

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